JavaScript Object Notation is a standard file format that uses human readable text to transmit structured data objects. It originated from JavaScript, however, it is a language independent format.

    "hello": {
        "list": [1, 2, 3]
    "greetings": [
            "language": "English",
            "greeting": "hello"
            "language": "Spanish",
            "greeting": "hola"

JSON uses the following data types: number, string, boolean, array, object, and null.


JSON Web Key is a JSON data structure that represents a cryptographic key.


| Key | Description | | kty | Key type - cryptographic algorithm family | | use | Intended use of the public key (sig or enc) | | alg | Algorithm intended for use with the key | | kid | Key ID - used to match a specific key in a set |

Reference: RFC 7517 - JSON Web Key

JSON Web Key Set is a set of JWKs.

    "keys": [

Note: key1, key2, and key3 are JWK objects.


JSON Web Token is an Internet standard for creating JSON-based authentication tokens. They are generally used to assert some number of claims. The server will provide the client a JWT in which the client will use in subsequent requests. To ensure authenticity and integrity, the token is signed by the server’s private key before sending it to the client. The client can then verify using the server’s public key (usually hosted in a JWKS).


There are three main parts to a JWT: header, payload, and signature. The header identifies which algorithm is used to generate the signature. The payload contains the set of claims. The signature validates the token using cryptographic technologies. It is calculated by base64url encoding the header and payload and concatenating the two with a ., followed by the cryptographic algorithm specified in the header.

# header
 "alg" : "HS256",
 "typ" : "JWT"

# payload
 "loggedInAs" : "admin",
 "iat" : 1573492539

# signature
 base64urlEncoding(header) + '.' +

The entire token is structured as follows:

base64url(header) + '.' + base64url(payload) + '.' + base64url(signature)


issIssuerThe principal that issued the JWT
subSubjectThe subject of the JWT
audAudienceThe recipients that the JWT is intended for
expExpiration TimeThe expiration time after which the JWT must not be accepted (must be seconds since epoch)
nbfNot BeforeThe time on which the JWT will start to be accepted (must be seconds since epoch)
iatIssued atThe time at which the JWT was issued (must be seconds since epoch)
jtiJWT IDCase sensitive unique identifier of the token even among different issuers